Sunday, October 12, 2014

Getting to Know the LWB Leadership Team: Morgan Stephanian

     I am Morgan Stephanian. I have lived in Austin my entire life and love this great city! Stephen, my husband of five years, and I went to the same high school (Anderson) and both graduated from the University of Texas. I got an education degree and went on to teach kindergarten for the next five years. I loved teaching and miss being a teacher but I am so thankful for the blessing of getting to have a classroom of one right now! Outside of motherhood my passions are hosting, cooking, wine, and hair and makeup artistry. 

     My son Ethan is fourteen months old and is such a joy in my life. Each stage has brought new challenges but gets more and more fun. I have noticed that as his personality becomes more complex so do his tantrums! 

     My pregnancy was smooth sailing and labor was a blast. It hurt but it was fun... my epidural gets all thanks for that! Ethan had a very severe case of Jaundice after birth because he was three weeks early and I was terrified. That was only the first of what I anticipate being a lifetime of instances when he'll have me a ball of nerves or in tears. 

     What gets me through the daily grind and emotional roller coaster of motherhood? These sisters I am doing this alongside. All of you! I am abundantly blessed to have a community of mammas around me to encourage and keep me grounded. I am a realist and an optimist. If you ever want blunt honest advice or encouragement I'll do my best.

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