Monday, April 27, 2015

Water Safety Tips- by Jessica

I grew up in Florida and have a very vivid memory of the day I learned to swim in my grandparents swimming pool. My Aunt and Uncle taught me and it was moments like that that encouraged me to really invest in the lives of my nieces and nephews. But now as a parent I feel an even greater sense of responsibility and protection over my daughter. 
We are traveling to Florida for family visits in May and I know this trip will involve lots of water time. Last year it wasn't as much of an issue because our child had to be held constantly regardless of land or sea. But this year I know our rambunctious and curious toddler will be a different story. I decided to do a little research and thought some of you may benefit from what I found too. 
I am not a swim instructor, I have no experience with babies and water- just a regular mom trying to prepare myself to keep my kid safe. So here’s what I found...

Basic Tips

*Its a great idea to take a Infant/Child CPR class. I actually have to keep my certification current for work and my husband learned through our NICU class so this one was easy for me. But here are some links to local classes if you are interested.  (The one I do is for medical professionals through work so I cant recommend one of these first hand but ours are through the American Red Cross) 
This is an awesome, quick picture reference if you know you will never take a class (but classes are ideal)

*Always keep a child that cant swim WELL within arms reach. This is one of your best defenses against child drowning. 

*Any time you are near water, make sure your child is wearing a properly fitting flotation device that is approved by the US Coast Guard. Don't rely on inflatable toys (like water wings) to keep your baby/toddler safe in the water. This one was a little harder for me- I didn't even know they had “approved devices”. But Google knows. And there are lots of places to order one online and local stores that sell them as well. (USCG approved) 

This article was a little advanced for my needs right now but it seemed to have great info if anyone wants more specifics on finding the right life vest for your child.
*If you are going to a public pool, lake, or beach do some research to see if there are options for places with lifeguards on duty and rescue equipment in good condition. Bring your phone for emergencies (and poolside photo-ops!)

For Home Pools and Spas: 
(If you have one, likely you already know way more than I do but here are a few tips anyways)

*If you have a permanent pool have a fence around the entire perimeter that is at least 4 feet high with a self-closing, self-latching gate that opens away from the pool. Always insure the gate is locked when the pool is not in use and make sure there aren't things near the fence the child can use to climb over. 

*Make sure the drain has an anti-entrapment cover or drain safety system in place. “The suction from a pool drain can be strong enough to hold even an adult underwater, pulling on the hair or on the body and forming a seal. Missing or faulty covers often cause the problem, and an upgrade may save a life.” (

*Remove toys from the pool and pool area to avoid drawing your child over to the area to play. 

*Drain inflatable or plastic wading pools after each use and keep them upright when stored. 

This article has some interesting information about safeguarding your home pool. It talks about a study conducted by the Consumer Product Safety Commission regarding child drownings that occurred while children were supervised. The statistics are surprising (especially the ones that drown while there were thought to be sleeping). 

Something I think we all should know: 
What to do if my child slips under the water

*Again- never leave a child unattended in water- not even for a second. 

If they slip under for a moment they will likely come up coughing. 
But if they’ve been under for longer than a moment you will need to act QUICKLY and CALMLY. 
*Lift your child out of the water
*Gently tap or shake your child to see if they respond. If they are unresponsive, aren't breathing, or have no pulse- IMMEDIATELY start infant CPR. 
*If someone is nearby, shout for help and tell them to call 911. 
*If you are ALONE, preform 2 Minutes  of CPR then pause to call 911. (another great step by step for CPR with drowning
*Continue doing CPR until the child begins breathing on their own or until emergency medical personnel arrive. 
*If your child has come close to drowning, immediately take her to the emergency room for a complete medical evaluation. Even if she appears fine, she may have inhaled water and stopped breathing, which could cause lung or nervous system damage.

There are also risks for Dry Drowning and Secondary Drowning that are less obvious:

*Symptoms: Coughing,Chest pain,Trouble breathing,Feeling extremely tired,Your child may also have changes in behavior such as such as irritability or a drop in energy levels, which could mean the brain isn't getting enough oxygen.

What to do: If your child has any s/s of dry/secondary drowning its important to get them checked out. Its likely they will get better with a little time but if they aren't its important to act quickly to treat the problem right away to prevent complications. 

This article has more info about Dry and Secondary Drowning

With any type of drowning please know that even after they are breathing there are other potential complications including dilution of their blood from fresh water or pool water that can cause deadly electrolyte imbalances, aspiration infections and lung complications, potential brain damage from lack of oxygen to name a few.

As a nurse with a background in Trauma and Critical Care Ive see a lot of things that aren't necessarily likely, but they happened anyway. While most of us will thankfully never experience a drowning or near-drowning with our children- please don't just assume it wont happen to you. Drowning remains the second-leading cause of injury-related death for children. Thats not something to ignore. 

This article turned a little more grim than I had originally anticipated but I hope it provided helpful information that can potentially help save a life. It gets hot here in Austin, Texas and I intend to enjoy the water during the summertime. Lets stay safe out there friends!!

......Jessica Britnell

Monday, April 13, 2015

Lissie's Love for Essential Oils

No matter where you go, it's hard to get around without hearing about essential oils.  Whether it's the display awkwardly placed in the middle of the aisle in the grocery store or the incessant offers of samples on your FB post, they are the recommended remedy for everything from snoring husbands and fussy babies to runny noses and ear infections. I've even read testimonies of oil use for fertility, cancer, name it.   Oily people joke that "There's an oil for that!" and the more you learn about them, the more you'll think it's really true!

I first heard about essential oils back when my dad was diagnosed with cancer in 2012.  Neither of my parents were interested in chemotherapy so my mom and I started looking into alternative treatments and we read a TON about the use of Frankincense to digest and destroy cancer cells.  Wow!! Unfortunately, my dad was much sicker than we originally realized and he died only a few months later.  

Fast forward 3 years and my baby, Jacqueline, got a UTI about 2-3 months into her precious little life.  Though we picked up her prescribed antibiotics, I decided to call my friend in KY to see if the mysterious and magical essential oils (that I'd been reading about on her FB page) could help us kick this UTI.  
Lo and behold, they could!  And, she had a local girl who would hook us up with a sample!  

Natural AND free??  That's like gold in this house.

So, we packed our baby into the car, and headed out to Round Rock to meet our dealer. ;)  Lisa was as sweet as can be as she dropped our oils into the baby food jar we had purchased solely for our oils.  She gave me 10 drops each of Young Living's Melrose, Frankincense and Purification and sent us on our way.

We added coconut oil to the essential oils and applied this mixture to Jacqueline's lower abdomen and feet every single time we changed her diaper.  After about a week, we returned to the doctor for another test to see how the UTI was doing.

It was GONE!!!
And...I was hooked.

I was thrilled to find a natural, time-tested remedy that could help my family and we've been using them for pretty much everything since.  

I am by no means an expert...and I'm sure I'll never be.  However, after a year of using oils, I can definitely make some recommendations on how people can use oils with their children. 

So, here are some of my favorites!

Often dubbed the "Swiss Army Knife" of oils, Lavender has so many uses and if you don't know what oil to use...just use Lavender and it will often help!
We like it for burns, bug bites, bruises, skin issues and sleep.

Awesome to help get rid of stink -- um, can you say diaper pail?!  We've also used it for bug bites, bug spray, coughs and general cleansing of the air.

This blend will always be my hero cause it was in the concoction that helped us with that UTI.  I've also given this oil to friends fighting mastitis or with a little one working on repeat ear issues and they have not been disappointed!

This gem is our germ killer!!  It's named after the Thieves who used a blend of oils on themselves that enabled them to steal from those dead and dying from the plague without getting the plague themselves!  Um...yes, please!!

We diffuse it regularly during the winter months and I always put it on Miss J's feet when she's going to be around other kiddos to help boost her immunity.  We also use it in a spray bottle on shopping carts and restaurant tables --  since we all know it's impossible to stop baby from mouthing those -- and any time we feel that telling tickle in the throat.

After trying everything for Jacqueline's first real struggle with congestion, I diffused this during her nap and she woke with a dry nose!!  Now, I often mix it with Lavender to dry her up and calm her down.
RC is another one that we love to use for nose issues.  It's got a medley of eucalyptus oils in it, just like the popular Vicks rub, only with this, you don't get any yucky petrochemicals! Win!!

Peace and Calming
Can you say sleep training??  This oil got our whole family through that phase with wild success!  I've also heard that it helps calm husbands and dogs in the evenings. ;)

I could keep going but I'll stop there.  I haven't even TOUCHED on my favorite oils for mommy but I guess I should save something for a future post, right!?

If you're already using oils and want to connect with oily mamas, or would like to learn more about how we are using them, ask to join the Oily LWB page and we'll be happy to add you to the group!

Also, using oils has become a passion for me and I love sharing that passion with others.  So, if you're wanting to learn more, ask!! Whether it's a simple email explaining the ins and outs, or meeting up some time so you can see, smell and touch, we can make it happen.


I am not a doctor and this post is not purposed to replace professional medical diagnosis, treatment or advice. These are my personal testimonies of using essential oils only.. Use of any information from the content of this site solely at your own risk.

I am a wholesale member for Young Living oils and as such I receive compensation when I share YL oils with others. Though this was an unexpected perk of starting my own oily adventure, I would never promote anything I didn't use myself and in which I didn't  truly believe.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Ramblings of a Twin Mom: Our Journey to Parenthood By Lauren

It all started in a CVS bathroom . I had felt so nauseous that day and decided to buy a pregnancy test on my way home…but of course I couldn’t wait till I got home to take it. I was kinda notorious for peeing on a stick in a CVS bathroom anytime I felt nauseous for no reason…so I wasn’t expecting it to ACTUALLY be positive! We weren’t trying and I was on birth control at the time, but all of a sudden we were staring parenthood in the face six months earlier than we had planned,  and we were thrilled! We announced the news to our close friends and family immediately. Three weeks later we went to the dr. for our first ultrasound. As I watched the technician’s face, I knew something was not right. She immediately saidhold on and rushed out of the room. She was gone for what seemed like the longest time! The dr. came in to take a look and gave us the bad news that there was no heartbeat, and then proceeded to tell me that I had a very “weird uterus”. She told me to come back in 3 weeks. THREE. LONG. WEEKS. We were devastated but held on to hope. We didn’t know what else to do during that awkward three week window when we may or may not be having a baby in 8 months. We certainly didn’t talk about baby names or plan out the nursery. We just prayed. When we went back, it was found that the embryo had grown, but still no heartbeat, and we were told to come back in a couple weeks….seriously?! This went on for two months, when finally it was determined to be an unviable pregnancy. We were devastating to say the very least. I’m sure many of you know the feeling of losing a baby. It’s an unexplainably painful experience.  It’s like being on top of the world and tumbling to the deepest valley in a matter of seconds! It’s a feeling I wish for no one…EVER.
During my D&C, it was discovered that I had a septum (a non-blood-bearing wall) straight down the middle of my uterus and through my cervix. Basically, my uterus and cervix were divided in half by this wall. That explains the “weird uterus” comment. We were told this would need to be surgically corrected to decrease my chances of having another miscarriage; however, because of my recent pregnancy we would need to wait 5-6 months before we could have the surgery to let my uterus go back to normal. I was pretty anxious to try again….I remember all I wanted was to be pregnant again…to have that hope back. But now we were being told we had to wait up to 6 months before the surgery and up to 6 months after the surgery to try again. This was the desert…the place where God would test our faith. The times where I would wonder if God heard my cries…Now, I know he did. He had a bigger and better plan ahead than I could ever imagine; but, in that desert my husband and I were hurt, lonely, and sad. I know many of you who have struggled with infertility or miscarriages know this desert all too well. You’ve been in this place, and It’s not pretty. 
About a year after the miscarriage we found out we were pregnant again. Finding out you are pregnant after a miscarriage is not the same. You are filled with joy, yes, but that joy is overshadowed by fear, worry, and the need to protect your heart. This time we decided not to tell anyone until we at least heard a heartbeat. But, unfortunately, we never did. After all that waiting and undergoing surgery to correct what we thought was the problem, we had another miscarriage. I can’t begin to explain the sadness, anger, and frustration we felt….yet, more desert.
I ended up seeing a fertility specialist after the second miscarriage. He suggested Clomid although I had no problem whatsoever GETTING pregnant. My problem was STAYING pregnant. However, he said it would boost my progesterone levels during early pregnancy if I were to get pregnant which would decrease my chances of having a miscarriage. Oh, and have a 10% chance of having multiples….yea, that too! But wdidn’t care if we ended up with 8, we just wanted a baby, so we agreed to try it. The funny thing is I had always wanted twins. Seriously, as long as I could remember, I thought it would be so fun to have twins! Ha- Life is funny sometimes!  I went in when I was 6 weeks pregnant. Honestly, we weren’t really expecting to hear a heartbeat…I think it was our way of protecting our hearts yet again.  (At this time, the dr only saw one sac so we had no idea there were two) But, we FINALLY got to hear a heartbeat, which was the sweetest, most healing sound ever in the world!! It’s weird to think how a sound can give you hope and healing, but that one tiny heartbeat definitely started that healing process!  A couple weeks later, I went in for a follow up- BY MYSELF- and the ultrasound technician said “How many babies did the dr. said you had?” I was thinking to myself “who says that?! What a stupid question!” But didn’t say that, I just looked at her funny and said “one.” She said, “Well,  you’ve got two perfect little heartbeats in here!”  Naturally, I cried…. out of happiness of course… and maybe a little out of fear. 
From then on out my pregnancy was pretty normal with lots and lots of dr. appts and sonograms (one of the perks of twin pregnancy). It was going great up until 24 weeks. At that time my cervix had thinned to 1.5 cm. I was hospitalized immediately and had a procedure done the next day to get an emergency cerclage, which is a stitch in my cervix to keep it from dilating as long as possible. Following the cerclage, was a month of bedrest. Well, modified bedrest…the kind where you can’t go to work or go to the store but you can sit around and watch movies, get up and get icecream out of the freezer, etc…it was great for the first week, then it got pretty old and boring (oh, to have that time back now!). After I was cleared I went back to work full-time until December 10 when I was 34 weeks; 4 days. I woke up that morning having contractions. I went to see my OBGYN who took out my cerclage, and within a few hours I was dilated to a 4, then a 6, then I heard the dr. say “get ready. We’re having a C-section in 20 minutes.” I was NOT expecting that! The C-Section I was expecting because Baby B (Maggie) was breach, but what I wasn’t expecting was to be a mother of two within an hour! I was a complete wreck! I was so nervous to be staring motherhood in the face, and not know what condition my 34 week old babies would be in. The next half-hour was pretty terrifying and incredible all at the same time. Eleanor was born first and weighed only 3lb; 12oz. Maggie weighed 4 lb; 1oz. I got to see them for less than a minute, and I think I might have gotten to hold Maggie. Then they were whisked away to the NICU for monitoring. The next couple weeks of being a NICU mom were some of the most challenging and trying weeks of our lives. But, fifteen days later (on Christmas Day) we finally got to bring our babies home! 
Our journey to parenthood is full of a lot of heartache and a lot of joy, but honestly, I wouldn’t change it for the world! After two years and two miscarriages, God brought us out of the desert and blessed us with TWO beautiful baby girls. HIS PLAN WAS BIGGER!
“So we can rejoice in the unknown and look for opportunities to have faith because without the opportunity to have faith it is impossible to please God.