Thursday, November 6, 2014

Getting to Know the LWB Leadership Team: Ashley Kriegel

     Hi! I’m Ashley Kriegel and I have been happily married to Tim for 3 years! We had our sweet Millie Ruth November 19, 2013 and it was the happiest day of my life! I am from small town Oklahoma and Tim is from Austin. We met at Kanakuk Kamp summer of 2009, I was a kitchie and he was a counselor and the moment I laid eyes on him I was a goner. We were long distance for 2 years between Oklahoma and Texas and didn’t live in the same town until the day after our wedding when we moved to Austin. Being from a small town I didn’t know it was possible to love a city, but let me tell ya. I love Austin! 

     I have always dreamed of the day I would be a mom, so I am soaking this time up! I never really did the career thing, because I knew it would end in mommy hood and I didn’t want to fall in love with anything and question the mom thing. I am an extremely creative person and I find that as long as I have a creative outlet I feel like myself, the second I don’t I just feel off. I love interior design. Give me a blank house to decorate and I get all kinds of giddy! I also love baby fashion. My little Millie is my fashion babe and we love buying from small handmade brands. Supporting other creative mamas is my favorite! 

     I loved being pregnant. Especially the third trimester, I was huge but I have never felt so alive! I decided about half way through that I wanted to go natural and by the time I got my husband fully on board we realized we did not have a very natural OB. She fought us tooth and nail to not go natural. She even went so far as to beg me to “at least” let her give me an episiotomy… while I was dilated at a 7… in the middle of a contraction. I will go more into this subject later! We were successful in the end and I was so extremely proud of myself for sticking to what I knew I could do, and what I knew God built me to do!

     Life since being a mom has been chaotic to say the least. Those first 3 months of just surviving the fog and then slowly feeling normal again has been a rollercoaster ride I was not expecting. Millie was a high needs baby in the beginning and thankfully has moved passed that. Now she is my quiet sensitive baby who always has an eye on me. Throughout this past year there have been many days when the glue that held me together was knowing that I could see you girls! Ladies With Babies has been such a gift from God. He knew I needed you women and He is so good! I love doing life with you and I can’t wait to watch our babies grow up together!

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